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Mar 24, 2021Liked by Cath & Steph

Here's a response! Mini existential crisis at Walgreens led to this:


All the facts of aging.

Declining functions start

from ages 20 on, 30 on, 40 on, 60 on.

At some point the eyes will cataract.

Linda writing from beyond death

about the faint counting she had felt

inside her being, the ticking sound.

Standing in Walgreens waiting

for a shot of vaccine to send me

into asphyxiations or not. If not,

walking out the door into the blinding

of 4:31pm. My body knowing

what to do and when and me glancing

at the clock it doesn’t use, wondering how.

My body like the tides and the agave.

Like the pewter dusted succulents sending up

tall scraggly stems down the block.

Can this timing exist without knowledge?

Can safety exist without stillness?

This and this body and that one, moving

to the same invisibility: powerful,

elegant, holding. Keeping time.

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